


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal ( Inspired by Steve Jobs & Paul Arden))

Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour films, books, music, painting, poems, photographs, dreams, clouds, architectural masterpieces, lights and shadows.
Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.
Authenticity is invaluable, originality is non-existent. Remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “it’s not where you take things from- it’s where you take them to”.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The “Intellectual” buffoonery of us Nigerians (Inspired by King Julien)

We “intellectuals” feel that we are owed something by the world, we feel that we have “gone to school”, endured academic and professional torture. So therefore we need to be rewarded with comfort and prosperity, and when we don’t get it, we cry like babies. The critical thing we miss is that our education and the privilege we have to be at the level we are within the society, places a huge responsibility on us. We are the ones who are supposed to build and sustain the society, through our contributions.           
It’s this mentality that drives us, and that’s why when we finally graduate, by hook or crook, all we want is a high paying job (our reward for all the torture). This default mindset ensures that no one comes out of school thinking what he/she can contribute to the society with the skills and knowledge acquired during those “tortuous” years.
Therefore, we are all selfish, plain and simple, because if we set out to contribute, to create value, the society and system will always reward you for your efforts. That’s how it works, that’s how civilizations were built. They weren’t built on the instant rewards; they were built by the footsteps of individuals who set out to make a difference.
And the saddest part is, after having this conversation; it’ll still be hard for us to change our ways, we’ll just ponder a little, shake our heads, and go back to nagging about our leaders and our lives of scrapping daily to secure a never-ending tomorrow.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Technology and Me;Part 1

Over the past few months, I have come across terms that sound so weird, that I wonder what the guy that came up with it was sipping at the time he got the "eureka". But that's not what this story is about; this story is about technology and the consumer. When I listen in on the grapevine, I hear statements like, "Nigeria has a booming tech industry". Now that's a great thing, for every lover of the Green White Green, hearing statements like that makes you feel great. However, the class of some of the "Nigerian" apps I have stumbled across leaves me wondering if our newspaper dallies have suddenly assumed the spin-master role that NTA has carried boldly over the years. One goes through the apps and wonders if the guy who built them had the consumer in mind or just his own fantasies of what his app should do. Now, I aren’t discrediting the fact that sometimes, the consumer might not know what he wants, but giving him something worse than what he already has easy access to is nothing short of stupidity. My point is, technology should be built around the consumer's viewpoint/flashpoints, not the consumer built around the technology viewpoints. Even the father of "no focus groups", Steve Jobs always insisted on that.



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